Last Monday a wonderful fellow stamper Penny Hanuszak
http://pennytokensstampinspot.blogspot.com/ nominated me for this award - and I am so honored. Between being gone and being sick, I am just catching up on my emails and blogging so I apologize for not seeing this sooner. Thank you so much Penny! Be sure to check out her amazing blog.
As part of receiving this award the recipient must share 8 random things about themselves and then pass the award along to other deserving bloggers! So, here are my random things -
1) I got married to my sweetie, Paul, when I was 18 and even though they said it wouldn't last, we'll be celebrating our 35th anniversary this coming June!
2) I have two amazing and beautiful daughters, Jenee (Robert) and Heidi (Aaron), and they each have two daughters and one son - so I am blessed with six wonderful grandchildren. Family means the world to me.
3) I am a Christian and my faith has gotten me through many a difficult time in my life - I pray each day that I am able to be a blessing in someone's life.
4) I live in southern California, but was born and raised in central Wisconsin in a family of nine children - seven brothers and one sister - and wonderful loving parents who have now passed; and I miss them every day.
5) I was on Wheel of Fortune years ago and got the final puzzle which was "Michael Keaton" and I won a car!
6) I am a coffee ADDICT - love the stuff - don't need to drink anything else. Rarely will anyone see me without a coffee cup in my hand.
7) I work full time at a local community college as a Matriculation Specialist and with International Students and immigration.
8) I love to blow bubbles. I keep a bottle in my desk at work as well as always having them at home. I don't need grandkids around to blow bubbles :) When I'm stressed - I go outside and blow bubbles and let them carry all of my cares away. I think they are just amazingly beautiful when the wind takes them and the rainbow colors swirl. Once when I was blowing bubbles with my then 3 year old grand-daughter Paisley - she said "I want to go in there and float" - I feel the same way.
Wow - I thought I couldn't think of 8 things and now my mind is racing - anyway, now I want to pass this award on to some of my favorite stampers - please check out their websites. Enjoy!!
Heidi -
http://stampinking.blogspot.com/ Julie -
http://simistamper.blogspot.com/ Maria -
http://stampinista.blogspot.com/ Lisa -
http://putnamstamper.blogspot.com/ Sandy -
http://shadeeladee.blogspot.com/ Theresa -