Saturday, December 11, 2010

Gifts and more Gifts -

So before I go on, I forgot to post this beautiful card that Karen made for her Secret Sis Theresa, when I posted Theresa's card yesterday. Look at all the detail in this - it is just lovely!
Next was my Secret Sis reveal - I had an amazing Secret Sis this year - and it was Theresa - she gave me these items - a lovely card, my initial decorated in snowflakes (so cute), and on the left is a gratefulness door hanger - it contains a lovely poem about collecting all our blessings and being grateful, and it's made to hang on the doorknob so you see it everytime you come and go. And then she made me this BEAUTIFUL "JINGLE" framed art - isn't that amazing! It is currently hanging in my front entry way for all to enjoy. Thank you sooooo much Theresa!

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