Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Convention Swaps - a little late

So last weekend at my down line meeting we finally finished a couple convention swaps.  I know - crazy huh!?!  The first one is Heidi's card swap - they were not put together at convention - so finally got done.
The next is my convention gift/swap for my downline - a cute little photo album for all their convention photos.  For this one, then night before convention I realized that half of the cover layouts I did, did not fit in the photo albums I had purchased - so I had to go out and buy new ones when I got back - and finally got them put together.
I also ordered copies of photos I had taken from convention and put them in their albums.  I gave them to those who were present at the meeting, and the rest will get out in the mail soon.  Better late than never, right?!
See you soon!!! ~Maureen

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